Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a direct connection between computer(s) and the human brain. It is the ultimate in development of human-computer interfaces or HCI. Recently advances have been made with Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI).
Currently research is being conducted the fields of neuroscience and neuroengineering regarding BCI and BMI. Using chips implanted against the brain that have hundreds of pins less than the width of a human hair protruding from them and penetrating the cerebral cortex, scientists are able to read the firings of hundreds of neurons in the brain. The language of the neural firings is then sent to a computer translator that uses special algoriths to decode the neural language into computer language. This is then sent to another computer that receives the translated information and tells the machine what to do. Applications of this technology range from protheses to control of robotic UAVs to non-verbal human communication.
As far as real-world testing of this technology, the majority has been conducted using rats and monkeys in laboratories. Using the rewards / punishment system researchers train animals to do a certain task with their bodies, and then, using the chip, the animal eventually figures out it doesn’t actually have to do the task, it just has to think the task, and the reward will be received.
There are other means of reading brain activity than direct neural contact via pins. The first and most common is electroencephalography (EEG) where electrodes are placed against the scalp are used to pick up brain signals. However, this approach is not nearly as accurate as direct neural contact and can only pickup blurry, weak readings. The other, much newer, and much more accurate non-invasive technology is magnetoencephalography (MEG) but is also more equipment intensive. Using MEG requires a room filled with super-conducting magnets and giant super-cooling helium tanks surrounded by shielded walls. This technology, while providing the speed and accuracy needed for a successful non-invasive BMI, will require significant improvement of technology in order to be realistic for everday use.
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